What's new?
Serveral new new apps scheduled to be released early 2014
WexGames - games for the whole family
A complete set of iPhone and Android game apps targeted to adults for those free moments waiting at the Dentist's office or on the bus or train on just a short break from the tedium of the day.
Name the President
An image guessing game straight from the White House. It lets the user compete with friends for the highest score in naming the Presidents of the United States since its founding:
A fingerpainting screen with colors and variable width lines. Can be used for mindless sketching and is precursor to image annotation/database linked tool:
The Purse Game
Commonly played at Baby Showers and Wedding Showers, it's a guessing game to see who has what in their purses. User can pick teams, set number of items to guess, record scores and save winners:
Wines I Like
Not a game, as wine prices have risen substantially in the past three years. This lets a user take a photo of the label of a wine they like and it catalogs it into their personal wine favorite database. They can recall their lists of Reds, Whites, Rose, Sparkling, Dessert and Specialty wines and see when they bought it, what they paid and where they purchased it. A little "tasting" comments box lets them jot down the way it tasted to them. They can give it their own 0-100 points score, just like the "Wine Spectator" does. All this came about because of a friend who was trying to tell us about this fantastic $6 Cabernet they found, but couldn't remember the name of it or where he got it and didn't save the bottle.